WE CARES Sandwich Making on October 21st!


Please join the Wyngate PTA’s WE CARES Committee on Friday, October 21 from 8:15-8:50am for sandwich making to benefit area homeless. You and your child can sign-up to help assemble sandwiches for Bethesda Cares, a community outreach program.  Bethesda Cares responds with compassion and creativity to help the homeless and persons in need in the community and to help prevent impending homelessness in Montgomery County. 

The event will be held in the Wyngate Dual Purpose Room and children must be accompanied by an adult in order to participate.  To sign up to make sandwiches and/or donate supplies, visit  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f4aaba72ca2fd0-sandwich.  

To learn more about Bethesda Cares, visit to www.bethesdacares.org.

Questions?  Email  Eileen Reyna or Jocelyn Dyer, Wyngate WE CARES Co-Chairs



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