Good morning,
I hope that you and your family are staying safe after enduring the tropical storm. I know that the anxiety regarding the unknown about the upcoming school year is a challenge, and I am writing with an update regarding a decision the Board of Education and MCPS will make later this week that will provide clarity and allow Wyngate and your family to finalize plans for the start of the school year on August 31.
As you may be aware, the Board of Education will meet on Thursday, August 6 at 3:30 pm. The meeting will be streamed live on the MCPS website. The purpose of the meeting is to review the school system’s recommendation for recovery education, which will include a recommended schedule and other important details for the upcoming school year. I wanted to make you aware of this meeting, and to encourage you to watch if you are able. Following the meeting, Wyngate will be able to begin to finalize our schedules and other logistical information for the upcoming school year. We are committed to sharing information with the community as quickly as possible to support you and your family as we know you are managing multiple, competing priorities.
I appreciate the many emails and questions you have submitted already. Although we do not yet have the answers for many questions, we are hopeful that Thursday’s meeting will provide some much needed clarity. I have heard your desire to receive class lists in advance of the usual timeframe, and am committed to doing so by August 12. MCPS has transitioned to a new Student Information System (SIS) and we are finalizing the lists and gathering all the necessary input from staff stakeholders. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to ensure the classes are balanced and will make for a positive virtual experience for all students in the first semester.
Wyngate Town Hall
We will be holding a Wyngate Town Hall to respond to the Board of Education’s decision and to answer any questions you may have. An invitation, including Zoom information and a link for questions will be provided after Thursday’s Board of Education meeting.
- Wyngate Town Hall – Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 7:00 pm
We are so excited to welcome our newest wildcats to the Wyngate family! We recognize the anxiety that comes with sending your child to school in normal times, and we are committed to ensuring the experience of our newest students is positive, engaging, and rewarding! Please know that the kindergarten teachers, Mrs. King, our school counselor, and I are all looking forward to welcoming you during a kindergarten orientation in advance of the school year. We will send additional information regarding timing and scheduling shortly!
Thank you for all you do to support Wyngate! We are committed to partnering with your family to make this school year a great one!
We will be in touch soon.
Travis J. Wiebe