Save the date (and book your babysitter) for the Wyngate PTA & Wyngate Education Foundation’s joint Spring Fundraising Auction on Saturday, May 15.
What is it?
A fun, adults-only night filled with food, open bar, dancing and a silent auction.
When and where is it?
Saturday, May 15 at 7:00 pm at the Rock Creek Mansion, located conveniently at the corner of Old Georgetown Road and Cedar Lane (5417 West Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814).
What do the proceeds support?
The Wyngate PTA and Wyngate Elementary Foundation will use the funds to support our kids, teachers and community through initiatives like the author visit program, cultural arts assemblies, MakerSpace, a new piano for music classes and gymnastic equipment for physical education classes.
Sounds great! What do I need to do?
- Fill out this Silent Auction Form that was sent home in your child’s take-home folder and send it back to school in the take-home folder.
- Check your email for a confirmation message.
- Line up a babysitter!
Ugh! I have a schedule conflict and can’t attend. How can I support the school?
While we are sorry that you can’t join us, we are grateful from your tax-deductible contribution. Please make checks payable to: Wyngate Elementary PTA and mail it to 9300 Wadsworth Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817. Our tax ID number is 52-6070625.
Click here to see the list of our very generous sponsors! Additional Information on sponsorship opportunities is located here.
Contact auction co-chairs Jen Boland ( and Ashley Schneider (