Principal Selection: Update, Timeline and 7/12 Deadline for Community Survey

For those of you who missed the July 7th community meeting about the process for selecting a new principal, you can find a link to the 36 minute recording HERE.

Below is the timeline for the process, which has a VERY quick turnaround and shows the newly named principal starting at Wyngate during the first week of August.

The deadline for responding to the survey that asks parents to select their top four leadership skills for our new principal is Monday, July 12 at 8pm. You can find the link to the survey in your email. At the bottom of the survey, parents can volunteer to be part of the interview panel.



  • July 9:    Mr. Wiebe’s last day
  • July 12, 8pm:     Deadline for parents to submit survey (see email from Caryn Seligman for link to survey)
  • July 12:    Ms. Jennifer Redden, who was named as assistant principal last month, begins at acting principal; A yet-to-be-named retired MCPS administrator will serve as acting assistant principal
  • July 14:    First round of principal interviews with panel which will include parents, Wyngate staff and central office staff
  • July 27    New principal named at Board of Education meeting
  • First week of August:    New principal starts


The person overseeing this process is Dr. Rotunda Floyd-Cooper. She can be reached at

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