Monday – 4/26
Shouk: Israeli street-food (100% plant-based and Kosher) this and every Monday.
- Pre-orders: until 3:00 pm on Monday, with pick-up at Wyngate Elementary from 5:30 pm to 5:45 pm
- Walk-up orders: N/A
- Menu/ordering: https://www. to download their app. Once in the app, select Start a New Order, Hood Drop, and choose Wyngate to place your order.
Wednesday – 4/28
Wednesday’s Food Truck Night features three vendors – Little Lady Grill, Captain Cookie and The Milkman, and Kona Ice!
Little Lady Grill: Little Lady Grill returns with her Latin fusion food-truck!
- Pre-orders: now until 2:00 pm on Tuesday
- Walk-up orders: 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm; wait times will vary pending pre-orders. Please be patient.
- Menu/ordering: ; text 703-475-4576 and type Wyngate, Your Name, and order. Payment is due upon pick-up. Little Lady will text when your order is ready.
Captain Cookie and The Milkman: This a mobile bakery and dairy bar serving fresh-baked cookies, local creamery milk, and made-to-order ice cream sandwiches!
- Pre-orders: N/A
- Walk-up orders: 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm (or until they sell-out)
Kona Ice: Grandma Kona returns with her flavored shaved ice!
- Pre-orders: N/A
- Walk-up orders: 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Friday – 4/30
PhoWheels: Back by popular demand, PhoWheels will be at Wyngate for lunch to support Teacher Appreciation week. Buy a Wyngate teacher or staff member a lunch! Details to follow in the coming days.
When ordering or picking up, please maintain social distance and wear a mask. Thank you for your continued support of local businesses!
Robin McNeill