FAQ about Return to In-person Learning at Wyngate


Yesterday afternoon, you should have received an email about your previous selection about whether or not you wanted your child to return to in-person learning. The subject line was “Wyngate Instructional Model Confirmation…” and the sender was “Do_Not_Reply@mcpsmd.org <donotreply@blackboard.com>.”  If you did not receive it, please contact Assistant Principal Anita Chan (anita_chan@mcpsmd.org). 

Folks have a lot of questions about topics that weren’t covered during the town hall, so I compiled the ones that I received and shared them with Mr. Wiebe/Ms. Chan. You’ll find their responses below (in green). 

Thank your for your patience and grace as the Wyngate team works out all the details.




Prior to the 2/26 deadline, will I know if my child’s teacher will be in person or virtual?

Prior to the 2/26 deadline, will I know if my child will be in the room with their teacher or in the “overflow room” (my term) with a different adult?

Mr. Wiebe will be sending information about his topic today as he just received additional guidance from MCPS. 

Will the group children rotate (on a daily or weekly basis) between being with their teacher and in the “overflow room”?

This will be determined by the grade levels for what would work equitably for students.  Currently, it looks like more of a Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday rotation to allow for deep cleaning between groups.

 Set Up

What will the actual classroom experience like for students in school? Will teachers be teaching virtual and in-person students simultaneously? Will teachers be teaching all students as if they’re online, only some are physically in person with them?

There will be a mixture of interactions with teachers or other staff members and times that students will still need to utilize their Chromebooks.  As you can appreciate, we are still responsible for students whose families have opted to remain fully virtual, while also following the health and safety guidelines that limit the number of students returning in each room. 

Will fourth and fifth grade students be switching rooms for math and reading? 


Will the kids use lockers? 


How will specials, instrumental music and PE be handled? 

Specials will all be virtual so students will need to login.  If they happen to be in a room where everyone is having the same special it could potentially just be displayed on the Promethean instead of using Chromebooks.   We are still working on instrumental music.  Instruction will continue in some form.


After the blackout period, can I permanently switch from in person to virtual? 

Yes. That switch can be accommodated.

After the blackout period, can I permanently switch from virtual to in person? 

There is a wait list and we will evaluate this change as appropriate.

If my child is in person but on a particular day cannot be at school, may they switch to virtual for that day? 

Yes, depending on the circumstance.


To help ease any anxiety about a return to the classroom, can we make a video that shows what the school day will look like? 

We will be working with our team for the orientation about what to expect.

How will non-kindergarten students who are new to the school be oriented?  

This will all be part of orientation and returning in the building when physically there.


Where I can learn more about the county’s procedures about health attestation, testing, contact tracing, ventilation, quarantine after travel, etc.?

Additional information to come for testing, attestation, contact tracing

Department of Facilities Management FAQ

DFM Filter Upgrades and Air Cleaners

Will there be adjustments to the return to school dates if metrics get worse?

This is determined by the Board of Education. 

If students go out of state for Spring Break, do they need to quarantine? 

They will follow the current CDC and DHHS recommendations for quarantine.

How will staff help ensure that students wear their masks correctly? What happens with students who don’t comply?

This is part of learning to be in school.  We will be learning this process together and have a system in place to work with students that need additional support to this adjustment.  The expectation continues to be to wear a mask. 


On which weeks will fourth/fifth grade be in person? How will the third grade be divided for A/B?

Week of March 15 – K-2, 3rd A Week

Week of March 22 – K-2, 3rd B Week

Week of March 29 – Spring Break

Week of April 5 – K-2, 3rd & 4th A Week

Week of April 12 – K-2, 3rd & 5th B Week

Week of April 19 – K-2, 3rd & 4th A Week

Week of April 26 – K-2, 3rd & 5th B Week

Week of May 3 – K-2, 3rd & 4th A Week

Week of May 10 – K-2, 3rd & 5th B Week

Week of May 17 – K-2, 3rd & 4th A Week

Week of May 24 – K-2, 3rd & 5th B Week

Week of May 31 – K-2, 3rd & 4th A Week

Week of June 7 – K-2, 3rd & 5th B Week

Week of June 14 – K-2, 5th B Week (3rd to be finalized)

3rd has been divided using many considerations by teachers based on observations, support needs, siblings in 4th and 5th, and class sizes.


Are students permitted to bring non-Chromebook devices to school? 

No.  We are unable to support multitude of devices that students use.

If Chromebooks are required but a student hasn’t picked up one yet, how and when will they get one?  

They can request one using this Student Materials Request Form.

What are students expected to bring to school (Chromebook, charger, headphones)? 

A detailed supply list will be sent.  


Will hot lunches be available?  

Lunch options will follow what is currently being distributed at the meal locations.  All students are eligible for the lunch option or an alternate. 


How can you change just your transportation selection?  

Utilize the change form.

Will I find out if my child’s teacher be teaching in person at school or virtually?

Additional information from the school will be sent today.

How can I change my transportation (bus) preference?

Fill out the Instructional Model Change Request Form  (even if you don’t want to change between virtual/in person) and on the second page, you can indicate whether your child will need transportation to/from school via school bus.

What is the deadline for alerting the school that I’d like to change the instructional model (virtual or in person) for my child?

Friday, February 26. 

Can my child remain in fully virtual learning for the rest of the year?


I ignored all of the emails and texts from MCPS. Where can I find an update on the return to school plan?



For those of you who told me that you are confused by the A/B schedule, this chart should help. Note that the entire fourth grade is in Group A and the entire fifth grade is in Group B:


Beginning Week Of

“A” Weeks*

“B” Weeks**


March 15

In person

In person


March 15

In person

In person


March 15

In person

In person

3 (Group A)

March 15

In person


3 (Group B)

March 15


In person


April 5

In person



April 12


In person







*March 15

**March 22



April 5, 19

April 12, 26



May 3, 17, 31

May 10, 24




June 7, 14


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