Don’t forget to signup for the Wyngate Science Fair! Deadline is Tuesday, February 18.

Wyngate Science Fair
Thursday, February 20th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm 
New this year – Science Fair Scavenger Hunt
This year there will be an interactive Science Fair Scavenger Hunt, where students can gather answers to questions by perusing the other projects at the Science Fair. Fabulous prizes (like slime…and legos…and a timed rubix cube….) will awarded to one winner from each grade level for the Scavenger Hunt.  So after your student presents to the judges, encourage them to grab a Scavenger Hunt form and take a stroll!
5th Grade Bake Sale @ the Science Fair
Grab a slice of pizza or treat your young scientist to something yummy to support the 5th Grade.  Proceeds from the 5th grade bake sales support a variety of class activities and their class gift, given to Wyngate at the end of the year.
Seeking science-minded parents
There are still spots available for parents to participate in the Science Fair by “judging” the projects, or even make a short science presentation on a topic of your interest.


Email Simret (, Laura (, Greg ( or Sweta (

See you there!

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