Given the complexity, time sensitivity and high stakes surrounding decisions for the 2020-21 school year, there is a tremendous amount of information and opinion circulating online. I ask everyone in our community to continue to be kind and thoughtful as you share your input and figure out a path forward that makes the most sense for your family.
Below are some helpful resources about the draft recovery plan, including a link to the video that Superintendent Smith released today about some of the concerns that have been raised about the plan. I’d also like to note that while the Maryland state PTA signed a letter in conjunction with the largest teacher’s union to recommend virtual learning through January, their decision was not made in consultation or collaboration with our local umbrella organization (Montgomery County Council of PTAs) or the Wyngate PTA board.
Your Wyngate PTA board will be trying to come up with creative ways to nurture our school community even when we can’t be together. If you’re interested in contributing to that conversation and our plans for the new school year, please let me know. We’d love to have you join us!
Caryn Seligman
Wyngate PTA President
Draft recovery plan
Recording of July 15 MCPS virtual conversation about the district’s draft recovery plan
Bethesda Beat article about July 16 meeting of teachers’ union (note MCPS officials did not speak at the meeting)
MCPS “Just the Facts” July 17 video which addresses some of the concerns that have been raised