Wyngate Spring Fair-RESCHEDULED

The Wyngate PTA Spring Fair is being RESCHEDULED because of the rainy forecast!   

It will NOT be on June 2, 2018. 

Please check back to see rescheduled date (which will likely be June 9, 2018)


Wyngate Spring Fair-RESCHEDULED 1

Please Consider Helping Out at the WYNGATE PTA SPRING FAIR!

 Sign up to DONATE A CAKE to the Cake Walk  by clicking  here! 

Adult Volunteers (parents, grandparents, etc) can sign up to volunteer at the fair here !

High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers can sign up here to volunteer at the Spring Fair (and earn SSL hours)! 

If you have a tent/canopy that you can lend to the PTA for the Spring Fair, please email Jen Boland at [email protected].

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THANK YOU!   There are still opportunities for 2017 Spring Fair Sponsorships! Email Jen Boland at [email protected]  or Amy Miller Jackson at [email protected].   for more information on how your business can be a corporate sponsor!  New this year:  




Wyngate Spring Fair-RESCHEDULED 3


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