Wyngate Science Fair 2018

Wyngate Science Fair 2018

Wyngate Science Fair 2018 1

Ever wondered why?  *  Ever wondered what?  *   Ever wondered who?  *  Ever wondered how?   

Ever wondered where?  *  Ever wondered when?

Find your answers by doing a Science Fair project this year!

 February 22, 2018

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Think up a question, test your hypothesis, write up your study results, draw pictures, bring demonstrations to show your results.  Yes, parents and other adults in the family can help – but remind them it is YOUR project if they start to have too much fun.  The Internet and library are great resources for ideas.

  • Don’t want to do an experiment?  Try interviewing a scientist and presenting your interview at the fair.  You could describe what your scientist had to study in school.  Find out how he/she got interested in science.  Describe her/his work now.  Pictures are always a plus!                                         
  • Your presentation must fit on a table in about a 3-foot wide space.  Be sure you put it on a self-supporting presentation board because we are unable to hang up your presentation.

 Sign up your child via signup genius:


 If you have any questions or need additional information you may contact:
Jennifer Kefer ([email protected]) or
Simret Belai ([email protected])


The 5th Grade will be having a Pizza Sale/Bake Sale at the Science Fair!




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