Box Tops for Education!

 Box Tops for Education! 1


Thank you again for continuing to clip and collect Box Tops for Education. In the fall, Wyngate earned $310 for our school. This is FREE money to support our PTA’s amazing programming throughout the year!

It is almost time for our spring submission (yes, I said “spring”), so please keep clipping those Box Tops and feel free to send them in to the school anytime. There is a small collection box in the school lobby marked “Box Tops” where you or your child can deposit them. Your child’s teacher can also send them down to the office if they are marked “PTA” or “Box Tops” and they will make it into the collection box.


The Box Tops Box in the front office was cleared this week and it was stuffed with Box Tops–thank you!! Please continue to send them in and I will collect them again on February 22 (just after Pres. Day weekend) before submitting our Box Tops by the end of this month. We will continue to collect year round, although they only have two submission per year, so please keep clipping throughout the spring and summer—year-round! We will submit anything that comes in after February again in the fall.


A few reminders:

–Our Box Tops Coordinator needs  to submit Box Tops in individual baggies or envelopes of 50 Box Tops, so if you have a lot, it is a huge help when you put them into a baggie or envelope clearly marked “50 Box Tops.” 

-You can send in less than 50 Box Tops!! Any amount helps–it all adds up! And you can send them in at any time. You do not need to wait until you accumulate 50 Box Tops to send them in.

–We are only participating in the Box Tops for Education program (there are a couple of other programs), so please only send in Box Tops from this program:

There are also “bonus bucks” on some products, which count for more than just one Box Top, so please send those in as well. Feel free to check out their web site for a list of all eligible products ( and look for them in your favorite grocery store.

If you have any questions, please contact our Box Tops Coordinator, Dana Aronovich, at

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